If you’ve ever got any queries in regards to your hosting plan or if you experience a problem with your sites, you’ll need to touch base with the web hosting company’s customer support team. It may not make a difference how promptly they’ll respond when you've got a generic query, but an issue like a thwarted script update, for example, may lead to your website becoming damaged or unavailable on the Internet. And the longer you wait for the support team to lend you a hand, the longer the site will be inoperative. If you offer services or goods online, any downtime will negatively influence your site and you can lose existing or prospective customers. A lot of hosting providers, predominantly resellers, reply to support tickets and e-mails within twenty four hours, but in the Internet epoch this is way too long, as visitors will hardly ever go back to a website that is not functioning properly over extended periods of time.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
We promise that if you open a trouble ticket through your hosting Control Panel or send an email relating to your semi-dedicated server, you’ll obtain a response within only one hour. You can contact us whenever you want with regard to technical, billing or general issues and since we are available night and day, you will invariably receive help in a timely manner. Based on the specific question or issue, we will supply you with more details, eliminate the complication if it’s been caused by something that’s within our reach or instruct you on how to proceed in case you have to edit a particular setting for an Internet application that we can’t access. You can forget about waiting around for an entire day for every single response. In reality, in the majority of cases we respond to tickets and emails within no more than twenty-twenty five minutes.