Memcached is a distributed memory object caching system, which is used to boost the speed of database-powered websites by caching the requests and the replies between the website visitor and the server. To put it in simple terms, anytime a given page on such a site is visited, the script calls its database to get the info that should be shown to the website visitor. If the latter clicks a hyperlink to go to another page, the entire operation is performed again and this results in numerous database requests and excessive server load, especially if the site has lots of simultaneous visitors. Memcached "remembers" this exchange of information, so if any of these pages is requested again, the script no longer needs to request any data from the database, as everything is provided by the caching platform. Thus, the overall speed of your website will "soar" and you will get more satisfied visitors and they will be able to browse your website faster. Additionally, the Memcached platform updates its cache whenever any data in the database is altered, so the site visitors will never see outdated data.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you choose to host your websites in a semi-dedicated server account, you’ll be able to take advantage of Memcached effortlessly, as the content caching platform’s activation takes a few clicks from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The required extension is pre-installed on our semi-dedicated servers, so you can start using the Memcached caching platform the moment you add it to your account. You will be able to select how many sites can use it and how much content can be cached, in other words – there are two different upgradable features – the instances and the amount of system memory. You can add more of both, so if one of your sites becomes extremely popular, for example, you can always get more memory. Our system is unbelievably flexible in this regard and we do not bind a specific number of instances to a pre-defined amount of memory. You can employ the Memcached caching platform to increase the speed of any script-driven website, including those that are based on popular web-based apps, such as WordPress or Joomla.